Kocani bath

Kocanska Bath – Spa 5 km west of Kocani, in the village. Bath, at an altitude of 340 m. It is predisposed with a raster leading along the northern edge of the Kocani valley. The water originates from a reservoir located in Paleozoic shales and marbles. Earlier, the source was with a small house, but with drilling, the amount of thermomineral water is increased and now it is 65 l / SEC, with a temperature of 64 ° C. It contains sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, then chlorine, sulphates, hydrocarbons, silichamoxide, aluminumoxide, ironoxide, etc. It is poorly active, there are only 8 m. According to physical-chemical properties is similar to the water from Negorna bath. It is thought that the bathroom has used the Romans, and later quite active and Turks. Today-Skip is part of the Health Center in Kocani. It is used in treating all kinds of rheumatic diseases, illnesses of bile roads and urban channels, gynecological, neurological and cataral diseases, as well as diseases of the respiratory organs. Al. ST.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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