Kicevski Octoch -.Pagimentate Macedonian manuscript from the middle of ⅹⅰⅰⅰ c. It was found in 1926 by Thomas Smiljanic-Brad in the church “St. Atanasius “in the village. The spice (Kichevo) and together with other Slavic manuscripts gave them to the museum in Skopje, and when the director R. Gruic in 1937 He was elected leaf from the Kicevo Octoch professor at the Faculty of theological Faculty in Belgrade, took them with them and these manuscripts. The manuscript has a total of 89 sheets: 66 are kept in the Museum of the SOC in Belgrade in the collection of R. Gruic (1, 110 and 23) and 23 in the Belgrade National Library (Rs 104). In this Macedonian October, transcripts of two hyitographic works of Sts were preserved. Kliment Ohridski: Canon for the Apostles Peter and Paul on the sixth voice and canon for St. The Trinity of Eighth Voice. One Klimentovo hyitrographic work (invisible canon for the sixth voice) is also preserved in the prime blend. Lit.: Lj. Stavilein-Djordjevic, Boography Macedonian October -, a symposium 1100th anniversary of the death of Kiril Thessaloniki, 2, Skopje, 1970, 419- 429; Gorgi Pop-Atanasov, Kicevo Octoch. Macedonian literary monument from the ⅹⅰⅰⅰ century, Skopje, 2000; The same, the premature parchment manuscripts and the literary work of Sts. Kliment Ohridski, Clear: Classic, Balkanistics, Paleysoslavastics. Materials from the scientific gathering marking the 85th anniversary of birth and 60 years of scientific work of Academician Peter Hr. Ilievski, MANU, Skopje, 2007, 169-181. F. P. AT.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КИЧЕВСКИ ОКТОИХ