Jisrahel Tehyte.

Jisrael Tahya (Israeli Revival) (Skopje, 1919) – Youth Jewish organization. Founder was David Ben Jacob Ha-Dream (1893-1923), Zionist activist, who droveed young people with their ideas. After his death, the organization suffered crisis until the arrival of Adolf Baruch, who again revived. The overall Jewish youth (over 14 years) was engaged in the organization. Joint socializing between boys and girls, even in sports activities, was the reason for strong reactions from patriarchal elements. Soon two separate youth sports teams were established: “Bene Israel” (male) and “Maccabi” (female) team. Lit.: Zena Leel, Tide and Slim of Historje Yemea Vardarzke Macedonia, Gornian Milanovac, 1990. J. NAM.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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