Jehovah’s Witnesses – a Christian religious group in the Republic of Macedonia and is among the small religious communities. It was first established in the United States (1876), and for its founder, Charles Russell is considered. The name of this community (used since 1931) stems from the Bible Jehovah, whom they consider to be God-Father. The first members of this religious group in Macedonia appeared in Strumica (1938), under the influence of Slovenian married couple, which stayed there, and the first community of Jehovah’s Witnesses was formed in the village. Veljusa, Strumica (1957). First Congress held in the village. Kolesino (1973). In Skopje they formed their group in 1968, and in 1975. opened an office. This religious community was registered in the former SFRY, and in the Republic of Macedonia is re-registered in 1992. In 2003, they opened a new office, called Bethel. Lit.: V. Timovski, education and religion, Skopje, 2005. V. Mr.-P.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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