
Jasika. (Pelpus) (Paulus musty L., Fam. Salvateau) – a large-leager tree with the right tree, with a smooth, lightweight bark. Areal £ stretches across Europe, North Asia and northwest Africa. The leaves are round, with a corrugated edge, on a long, flattened stalk. Bederal species is, with flowers collected in long fresh. It blooms before the proliferation, and the fruits ripen early with the list. The seed is very finely, supplied with long, white hairs. Limit, fast growing and courageous species is, with soft and permanent wood. In our country, the Yass is a mountain type most represented in the Bukle region. Al. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЈАСИКА

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