Jakovlevic, Milos Avroosiev (village Galichnik, 19. ⅶ 1892 – Skopje, 26. 1963) – The first Macedonian Spec. After pediatrics, prof. of honey. f. in Sarajevo. He studied on honey. f. In Bordeaux (France), where he received his Ph.D. (1920). After the specialization in Vienna and London, he established and managed the first DD in Macedonia at the HZ in Skopje. In addition to professional engagements, he participated as a volunteer of the Macedonian (Thessaloniki) Front and he was a member of the NC presidium, and in the period 1948-1950. He was president of the PS of MMA. Lit.: “Annual Proceedings at the Medical Faculty”, t. IV, Skopje, 1968, 100-102. Fig. M. P. Ahmet Jakupi.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЈАКОВЛЕВИЌ, Милош Авросиев