Jagic, Patroslav (Patroslav Jagic) (Varazdin, 6. 1838 – Vienna, 5. ⅷ 1923) – Classic philologist, Slavist. Classically educated by children’s age (up to ⅲ Class Francev. Gimn. All items on Lat.) In the birthplace, the classic Gimn continued. In Zagreb (1847- Watroslav Jagic 1851), where he developed interest and the Entertainment. unity; He studied classical philology in Vienna, Greek in H. Bonitz, Lat. In J. Hoffman and Stag. in F. Miklosich. From 1860-1870 was prof. In the Zagreb classical Gymn.; In 1870 removed from work due to political turmoil, then it receives three honorary doctorates (Leipzig, S.-Petersburg and Odessa). In Odessa he is invited to the head of the Department of I.- Comparate. Linguistics, then is the head of the Department of Slavics in S.-Petersburg, so in Berlin and finally, after retiring the F. Miklosich, in Vienna (1886-1908). On the classical foundations, he created a monumental discipline – Slavities, with editions of the oldest layout. Manuscripts of Glagola and Cyrillic, Paleogr. Studies and criticism of the text, etc. As early as 1867 openly opposed the so-called. Panuna thesis and until the end of life proved that for St. Voz. He served Maked.-layer. Speeches from Thessaloniki. In his “Archew Für Slav. PHILLOSE “(Berlin, 1874- 1929) registered numerous studies for St. Vessor. J. and literature. Part: From the huge number (over 700) published papers, especially the editions of the Gospels are important: the introduction of LAT. toward Azem. (1864), ZOGR. (Berlin, 1879), and Mar. (SPB, 1883), in Cyril. transcription; Goodness. (Ein Altmacadoniszhez Dekmal der Kirzheinsl. Dice desk ⅻ Yahrhondend, 1-2, News (1898); Bologna Psalm and many others; Paleographic Studies: Verlic Jali (1911); Synthetic: Synthetic: õ -Clopedia Slavic Philosque (1911); ENTSTEHUSGSCHICS (1911); ENTSTEHUSCHICS (1911), Ⅱ Rev. Red. Berlin, 1913; and South Southern People’s Epican Uhrush, Zagreb, 1880. Lit.: N. Mayanric, Patroslav Jagic Cao classical philologist, June, 7, 1957, 153-177; Without superficials. Life and Djela Patraslava Jagots, Zagreb 1988; V. Murdar, CME ⅳ, 572-580; V. Boorsћ, Patroshal Jagsћ, “Serbian Komestic Messenger”, Belgrade, 1923. Q. Hr. Ill. . Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЈАГИЌ, Ватрослав