IMGO, Peter (village Catalica, Kopalian, towards the middle of ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c. – Belgrade, 15. ⅴ 1808) – Trader, Turkish and Serbian diplomat of Macedonian origin, Naum’s brother Icho. He was a Turkish commercial consul (Basriindbasha) in Belgrade (1792-1796 and 1800-1801), an interpreter in the Turkish diplomatic representative office in Berlin (1797-1799) and translator of the Vizar Hadji Mustafa Pasha. At the time of the first Serbian uprising, Serbian leader Karadjordja used him to lead diplomatic negotiations with Turkey (July 0106), which resulted in the concluded ICkk peace (December 1806). When establishing the Belgrade magistrate (1807), he was appointed his president. At the end of life, dissatisfied with the puzzled relationship with the gate, crossed the Austrian service. Lit.: Aleksandar Matkovski, Resistance in Macedonia at the time of Turkish rule, Tom ⅳ, “thought,” Skopje, 1983, 759; Stojan Novakova, Ichkov Peace, “Voice San”, Legs, Belgrade, 1903; C. Poppa, IMMO Consul Self Consecutor, “Politics”, 6-9. Ⅰ 1938. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИЧКО, Петар