Iconomov, Vasil Apostolov (Lazaropole, Debar, 6. 1848 – Lazaropole, 4. ⅵ 1934) – People’s teacher, collector and publisher of Macedonian folk songs and customs from Debar, printer, publicist and cultural-national Dent. Early remain orphan, elementary education is obtained in the village of People’s Language, and continues in a Greek seminary (or the antonian-teacher school of Aton). Returns to the village of OK. 1865 And it becomes church pen and an assistant teacher in the uncle Pop Costa. Get acquainted with st. Verkovic and before February 1868 He gives the first impulses for collecting folklore-ethnographic and other materials. It is preserved in manuscript “description of gr. Kichevo”. He introduces with the Russian Prizren Consul I. S. Yugow and gives him many of his entries to folk songs and customs from Debar, who are then published in the jumpkeeper (1886). With the penetration of Serbian propaganda and Lazaropole, Serbian teachers and books are received and introduced to the collections of V. Karadzic. In the 1870s, Vasil and friend Pop Theophil Zerguloski were occasionally “Serbian” and “Bulgarian” teachers in the village and singers of Slavic in the church. After the murder of Jurguloski (1884), Vasil was closed. Temporarily shelter in the monastery “St. Primary. ” Speakers Anatolia and Partenia Zografski and close important monastery centers are influenced for awakening and rosophilism in the Mijaki. M. A. Mushevich and I. R. Musovski goes several times in Russia and have meetings with the Russian King. Upon recommendation from the Russian Bitola consul, and V. I. Go to S.-Petersburg and gets gifts from the Emperor and the Russian Patriarch for Lazaro-Field (1886 and 1897). He often travels to Constantinople, Belgrade and Sofia and contacted ministers, scientists and socialists. He teaches a collection of folk songs for publication in “Spread for Folk Employed, Science and Lictive” (1889). Part of the materials are printed in the collection, but the stories remain. He teaches in Sofia and 10 old manuscripts from Macedonia (ⅹⅰⅰⅰ-ⅹⅴⅰ c.). He participates in the Teaching Council in Prilep (1891) and in the compilation of antiegosarchical resolution. The school audit concluded that children do not know Bulgarian and that the teacher does not teach them in Bulgarian and “with their unreasonable sermons for a special Macedonian people” he snap the population and leads “to Gibel”. After a 12-year Exarchate service, Iconomov is excluded from the teacher (1892). At the same time, Shishmanov SBN is ceasing to announce the delivered folk artwork. Go to Sofia, it is agreed in the printing house “Macedonia” K. Shakov, with material support from its countrys, announces its first “Unplifent People’s
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИКОНОМОВ, Васил Апостолов