Hunting cinology

Hunting Cinema – Science for hunting dog breeds. According to the latest systematization of the International Cinema Federation (Federal Tsnogyuje International, FCI), hunting dog breeds are deployed in the following groups: ⅲ Group – Terriers (29 races); Ⅳ Group – Yanks (9 Race); Ⅵ Group – purifies (terraces), blood shows and related breeds (70 races); Ⅶ Group – birds, continental, British and Irish (28 races); Ⅷ Group – Retroves, Sneakers and water dogs (19 races). The most common is the following breeds: Serbian (Balkan) Gonnak, Bosnian Owarvo Gonnak (Barak), Croatian (Posevski) Gonet, Trumb Podel, German Cutlamp Bird, German Owiscued Birdland, including Breton, Point, English and Irish Setter. C. Small.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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