Christov, Pavel (villages, Bitola, 1874 – Sofia, 6. ⅵ 1922) – Teacher, Dian of the MRO. He finished high school in Lom, Bulgaria (1894). He was a teacher in Prilep, Kostur, Bitola, member of the MoR (1895), Head of the Kostur Revolutionary Reguel (1898-1901), then the TMORO’s Bitola. He participated in the Rila Congress and the Balkan Wars. Exhibit. and Lit.: Fighting in Macedonia and Odrinska 1878-1912 – Memories, Sophie®, 1981; H. Sil® Cannov, the eligible struggles of Macedonia, ⅱ, Sofia, 1982. Al. TR.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ХРИСТОВ, Павел