Balkan wars. (October 1912 – 31. ⅶ 1913) – The first and second Balkan war. The first Balkan war was conducted between the states of the Balkan Union (Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Greece) and the Ottoman state (October 1912 – May 1913) for its Balkan possessions. In the composition of the armies of the member states of the Balkan Union, many Macedonians fought, pending the liberation and the state independence of Macedonia. The most significant were the North Albanian, Kosovo-Metohika, the Macedonian, Thracian, Thessalian and Epirus Foursque. Allies mobilized about 720,000 troops. Approximately so mobilized the Ottoman state. The second Balkan war was conducted for the division of Macedonia (30. ⅵ – 31. ⅶ 1913). It started with the Bulgarian attack on the army units of Serbia and Greece. Montenegro supported Serbia, and later in the war against Bulgaria also included Turkey and Romania. The fighting mainly led to the Serbian Bulgarian and the Greek-Bulgarian front in Macedonia. The Macedonian population in number of about 100,000 people was forcibly mobilized in the two warring parties. About 40,000 people from Macedonia were killed in these wars. The war was stopped on July 31, and at 10. ⅷ 1913 The Bucharest Peace Accord was signed, with which Macedonia was divided between Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria. C. ST.
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