Health system / health care system. – A set of interconnected elements in a formal structure for satisfying health needs of a defined population whose financing, management, range and content of functions and activities are defined by laws and other regulations. This allows the services given to people to contribute to the protection of health in homes, educational institutions, working environment, public places and local communities, as well as in the physical and psychosocial environment, in the health sector (medical office, health center, hospital, clinic) in other relevant sectors. The health system is usually organized at various levels, starting from the peripheral or lowest level, also known as the level of the local community or the primary level of health care, through intermediate (inter-municipal or regional) to the central or highest level. The intermediate and the central level include those elements of the health system that provide progressive more complex and pedestalized protection and care. A complex / comprehensive healthcare system is the one that includes all necessary elements to meet all the health needs of the population. The health system infrastructure (health infrastructure) includes services, facilities, institutions or institutions, organizations and those working and managing them to implement various health programs. They provide health care that consists of a combination of measures for promotion, protection, prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of all persons, families and communities. Health care is an organized and overall activity of the social community for the preservation and improvement of the health and the environment and the working environment, realization of the rights and obligations in health insurance, as well as the measures, activities and procedures taken by organizations in the field of health for conservation and advancement and advancement To the health of people, to prevent and suppress disorders, injuries and other health disorders, early detection of disease and conditions of health, timely and efficient treatment and rehabilitation, with the application of expert medical measures, activities and procedures. Health care, based on primary health care and the unity of preventive, diagnostic-therapeutic and rehabilitation measures and the principles of availability, rationality and continuity, as well as the contemporary and confirmed achievements of medical and other sciences and the ethics of health professionals , above all, it is carried out at the places where people live and work, and in its security and implementation, individuals, families, working organizations, educational and other institutions, humanitarian, sports and other organizations, health insurance organizations, health services, and local community . Although all health protection measures are an integral whole, they can be divided into several groups according to the stage of the natural course of the disease in which they are undertaken according to the objectives and levels that are given appropriate protection. Accordingly, in which phase of the natural course of the disease is intervened, it can be discussed as primary, secondary and tertiary intervention, ie prevention. Lit.: Ministry of Health of R Macedonia. Law on Health Care, “Fig. Journal of the Republic of Macedonia, “38/1991, 10/2004, 5/2007; Doncho Donev, human health – definition, concept and content. How does the disease and natural flow of the disease occur. Modern concept and definition of health care, in: B. Nikodievic, etc., contemporary diagnostics and therapy in medicine, Skopje, 2000, 5-19. D. D.
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