Hatochiah (Revival) (Bitola, 1923) – Jewish Youth Organization formed by the unification of existing associations “Be-Not Zion”, “Bene Cion” and “Makabi”. The first youth organization from Macedonia subscribed in the Union of Jewish Youth Associations. Chairman of the organization was Leon Kamhi. Of most sections in the organization, the sporting was the sport. In the ten years of activity, several football teams were organized, played successfully: “Makabi”, “Sinai”, “Esperance”. Lit.: Gorgi Tsolev Dimovski, Bitola Jews, Bitola, 1993; Mark Tshen, Last Cerythes of the Sepharitz Tsummonites. Tez Yez OP Monastir 1839-1943, Nanj Strak, 2003. J. NAM. Hatungical mosque
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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