
Atanasovden -. A holiday dedicated to the great Christian saint Sts. Atanasius the Great. Our people celebrate it twice a year. On 31/18 January, with domestic services, Atanasovden-Zemen is celebrated as a common memory of the two Alexandrian Archbishops St. Atanasius the Great and St. Kiril Aleksandria, for their joint merit in the defense of Orthodoxy of both heresies: Arianism and Nestoriast. The feast considers it as medium and is believed that the main colds have already spent. In the popular belief he is the winner over the strong colds and haters. It is celebrated on 15/2 May, the day of the sourpt of the saint, a holiday known as Atanasovden-summer. Lit.: Serbian folk customs U Glazeliski Kazi, Premovio and Opisshao Stefan Tansћ, Teacher, Belgrade, 1927; Zorka Delinicolova, customs related to individual holidays and weekly days in Radovish, “Messenger of the Ethnological Museum”, 1, Skopje, 1960. M. Keith. Fencing Atanasovski, Alexander

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АТАНАСОВДЕН

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