“Hashomer Hacair” (1921-1943) – a Jewish youth progressive organization in Macedonia. It was active in all major centers in Macedonia with Jewish population. In Stip, the Ken had about 30 members, Head Avrham-Alberto Baruch Zion (1921- 1943). Ken was founded in Bitola with about 400 members (1931), based on the premises of the Jewish school “La La La Valeta”. The organization developed the educational activity, studying the Hebrew language and approaching nature with organized Logs (Mahana). The common goal was to prepare the youth for the departure in the kibibians in Erets Israel. Lit.: Gorgi Tsolev Dimovski, Bitola Jews, Bitola, 1993; Mark Tshen, Last Cerythes of the Sepharitz Tsummonites. Tez Yez OP Monastir 1839-1943, Nanj Strak, 2003. J. NAM. Hedisum, Macedonian
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ХАШОМЕР ХАЦАИР