Hadzimitkov, Todor (Skopje, 1898 – Skopje, 1987) – Veterinarian, First Doctor of Veterinary Sciences from Macedonia (Zagreb, 1934). He worked in the city veterinary service of the city of Skopje (1941 -1952), director of the Veterinary Inspectorate of the City of Skopje (1952-1962). During the fascist deportation of the Jews from Macedonia (1943) he has sheltered and saved a Jewish family. His name, as a benefactor, is written on memorial landmarks in Treblinka and Jerusalem. Donor is on the bells of the Cathedral Church “St. Kliment Ohridski “in Skopje. M. D. – J. B. Asparuch Haxinikolov.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ХАЏИМИТКОВ, Тодор