Hadziev, Stojo (village Greater, Demir Hisar, 16. ⅴ 1879 – p. Pootnich, 27. ⅸ 1924) – Teacher, revolutionary, duke. Teached in the Russian District. He was Chetni (1900-1905), Demirhisar (in the Serve) district duke (from 1905), a participant at the Rila Congress (1905). He was a member of the National Federal Party, MP in the Ottoman couple. In the First World War he was a district manager in Strumica, and since 1920. He was a lawyer in Petrich. As the Sandanist was killed by the design opponents. Lit.: “Macedonian News”, 34, 1935; “Pirin work”, 213, 1980. V. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ХАЏИЕВ, Стојо