Hadziconstantinov-Dizin, Jordan (Veles, OK 1818 – Veles, 29th ⅷ 1882) – Macedonian literary, educational and cultural directional Dean. The schooling starts in his hometown, and continues him in Samakov and the Greek high school in Thessaloniki. Works as a teacher, applying new teaching (lancastar) methods and introduces the national language in teaching. Teaches in a private school in Veles (1837), and later in Skopje (1848-1857) and Prilep (1859-1860). Due to the antifanariot activity, it is often haunted, closed and sent to a fortune in Asia Minor (1861-1863). After returning, he is a teacher in Veles (1866-1867) and Skopje (1869-1870). It is known as a dram-ski Author (“Minerva and Nine Music”, “teachers and student”), as a textbook (“Tablica Bervaya”, Faximil on “Tables of Levia” from J. H.-Jean 1838), as one of the first Macedonian Vehicians (“Paradise of God”, “End River Vardar”), but also as the author of two collections of aphorisms, and with affinity and painting. Associate of the Society of Serbian Slavness in Belgrade. Collector is on cultural and historical monuments and folk artwork. It publishes the first Macedonian pathopages, which are among the first descriptions of Macedonia in general. Collected and lexical material and prepared to issue a multilingual vocabulary. BIB .: Jordan Hadziconsstantinov – the genie. He arrived: Blaze Koneski, Skopje, 1987. Lit.: Haralampee Polenakovic, Jordan Hadzi Konstantinov-Giner. Bio-bibliographical sketch, at the height of the folk awakening, ⅳ, Skopje, 1989, 41-58; Blaze Koneski, a book for the genie, Skopje, 2004. B. R.-J. Hadzimanov, Alexander
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ХАЏИКОНСТАНТИНОВ-ЏИНОТ, Јордан