Gydarjika Josifovska, Mary (Stip, 19. 1958) – Physicist, Order. Prof. (1996) at Wisconsin University in Milwaukee, USA. Graduated (1981) of PMF. Masters (1986) in Sydney and PhD (1991) in Temples, Arizona, with the IS-trailing structure of Kemmets, or electronic microscopy on the surfaces of hard bodies. Since 1987 Is in the United States, since 1994, is the director of the Laboratory for Transmission Electronic Microscopy with high resolution, and since 2003. and director of the Laboratory for the study of surfaces. He showed that in the ed and two-dimensional periodic structures there are parabolic widelose zones and that stable surfaces and inter-war oxides are possible with unusual electronic and spentronic properties. In some plants, a biomeral form for non-toxic placement of iron in the form of magnetic nanocrystals has detected. Among the first in the world worked on electronic holography. In the United States, he received a presidential award for young scientists (1995). Lit.: 60 Years Natural and Mathematical Faculty – Skopje, Skopje, 2006, p. 197-198. C. Ur.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГАЈДАРЏИСКА ЈОСИФОВСКА, Марија