Wholesale Gradiste, Konjuh, Kratovo – Remains of a large ancient city, the presumed ripple station traulupara, noted by TP, on the left bank of Kriva Reka, north of the village. Konjuh. The cultivation and development of the city were due to the particularly important crossroads of the old roads that led from Skupi (Skopje) to Serdica (Sofia) and Stobi, through Astibo (© Type) and Konau, Towards Sofia. The city consisted of three parts: high rocky acroopolis (320 x 60 wholesale Gradiste, Konjuh, Kratovo M, 1.5 ha), long South suburb with a protective pre-trial (560 x 170 m) and the city itself, spread on the wide Northern terrace and naturally limited by Kriva Reka (from three sides) and high acropolis from the south (280/370 x 250 m). The total area is approximately 17 ha. The acropolis registered several dozens of complete or partially formed premises in the rocks, one central room and a network of extension and transverse streets. The western under the acropolis registered remains of an old bridge with two lacas, intended for crossing through Kriva Reka. Northwest, on the right bank of the river, on the hill K’jla, there are remains of a large necropolis from the early tense to late antiquity. The Stells mention the names of Pamfor, Sabi Antiy Kentonion of the cochor and the era and fortune. One ionapet of ⅲ c. in CE It is most likely from one hero from the necropolis. The remains of a three-nation early Christian basilica were excavated. Stone architectural parts of the city basilica, which had a central location in the city. The 200 m south of the city were unearthed the remains of a church of ⅵ c. Externally rectangular, from inside rotondal with a three-fold west, with tribel, presbyter and semicircular apse, externally rectangular, with dimensions 23 m (with apse) x 17.7 m (west) / 14.7 m (east, without the eastern angular counterphores). The church possesses a richly decorated stone plastic from the three tribelon with the moiety formed central ambulatory part, the altar barrier and the amvon, and the inscription of the domkaters of one of the imposition indicates the martyrium character of the building. The Great Pelister Lake Litt.: S. Radochiê, Church of Konchu, Proceedings Radova Wanzatologo Institute, San, Kne. 1, Belgrade, 1952, 148-167; B. Josifovska, DB, Insperpty de la Messe Superberry, ⅵ, strippers ET La Region de Kumanovo, Belgrade, 1982, 177-180; C. Lilcic, considerations about the killing of traulupara, “cultural heritage”, 17-18, 1990-91, Skopje, 1994, 33-47. C. L.
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