Grchev, Leonid

Grchev, Leonid (Skopje, 28. ⅳ 1951) – El. Ing., PhD of technical sciences, order. Prof., Procedure of ETF in Skopje. Head of the Institute of Electrotherming, the Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility and a dozen international research projects. Member of several working groups of Sigrair in Paris for the preparation of international recommendations in the field of electromagnetic compatibility and protection from atmospheric discharges. Austrian / co-author of several papers in the most famous EE magazines and SIR, in which it has made a significant contribution to the development of methods for analyzing the transient characteristics of ground systems and electromagnetic compatibility. Lit.: “Newsletter at the University” St. Cyril and Methodius “-Skopje, no. 848, March 2004. Dr. R. Miroslav Grcev.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГРЧЕВ, Леонид

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