Grammar in Macedonia

Grammars in Macedonia. Attempts and realizations for writing and publishing manuals, textbooks and grammaries in Macedonian language There were still in ⅹⅰⅹ c. In the 1950s of ⅹⅰⅹ c. Macedonian grammar announced P. Zografski. In that period and D. Miladinov pledged to do it and so told Viktor Gregorovich. Philologist E. Karanov (who initiated Bulgarians to print his precise records from Kratovo on his graphic system) also pointed to the need for special Macedonian grammar. C. Macukovski published an announcement in the Constantinople Bulgarian newspaperRight” (1872), where it requires to help print his grammar, and in the same newspaper (from 30. 1872) P. Ivanov replied: “… If Mr. Machovski wants to compile a completely new grammar for the Macedonians, he is lying. I said that the Macedonian grammar of the Macedonian literary language from Blaze Koneski called is spoiled Bulgarian, fell under foreign influence on the languages ​​that surround it, and to repair, a new grammar should not be compiled, but to bring down the rules of the current grammar ” . In 1880, “Zogovska” of Gjorgjija Pulevski said, which is the first published grammar of the Macedonian language. In it, the biggest attention is paid to the alphabet. Pulevski tried to create basic norms of the Macedonian literary language, combining the Western Macedonian caller with the Slavic written tradition in Macedonia, creating a very interesting terminology. An attempt to print “Macedonian primer” made Costa Group and Naum euro (1888), but he remained in manuscript. For the need for Macedonian grammar, “growers” in the SP. “Loza” (1892). Krste Misirkov published the book “For the Macedonian Works” (Sofia, 1903), where in the article “Several Words for the Macedonian Literary ID” accurately gives the direction how to build the modern Macedonian literary language. The first school “Macedonian Grammar” published Krume Kepeski (Skopje, 24. ⅰ ​​1946) and she experienced more releases. The most extensive scientific grammar came out “Civic”, a football club from Skopje (1938) of the pen of Macedonian lingfaximil from the “trilingual” of F. Pulevski (1875) Vista Blaze Koneski (“Grammar of the Macedonian literary language”, and Skopje, 1952; ⅱ, Skopje, 1953). She experienced several editions and is the basis for all scientific research in the Macedonian language. For practical application in the edition of “educational work”, the textbook for secondary education from a group of AV-Tori, 1997). This first Macedonian grammar from Krume Kepeski (1946) textbook served as a basis for later grammars for primary and secondary education. The grammars of the Macedonian language written in other languages ​​encourage the grammars. Horace Lant announced grammar for the Macedonian language in English (“A Grammar of Tekhydonian Literhr Larguage”, Skopje, 1952). It is significant because it is published before the grammar of Blaze Koneski and played a key role, Horas Lant, and Grammar of the Machadonian Literh Literh (Skopje, 1952) in the formation of some essential issues related to contemporary Macedonian language. Wolf Oshlis (Together with V. Bojic) is the first author who published a Macedonian language textbook in German, which is printed outside the borders of the Republic of Macedonia (“Lehrbutzh Der Mazdonzhen”, Münzhen, 1984, the second edition of this textbook came out with a small Modification in the title (“Lehrbutzh Der Schoolzhen Driving”, Münzhen, 1986). C. OSLIS announced an independent edition under the same title (“Lehrbutzh Der Schoolzhen Driving”, Münzhen, 2007). Rina P. Usikova announced the first grammar for the Macedonian language in Russian (“Grammatics Macedonian Literaturo ®,” Moscow, 2003). Lit.: Blaze Koneski, grammar of the Macedonian literary language, Skopje, 1952; It, the history of the Macedonian language, Skopje, 1965; Blaze Ristovski, growers in the development of Macedonian national thought, Skopje, 1968; The same, Gjorgjia M. Pulevski and his books “Fairy Macedonian” and “Macedonian Song on”, Skopje, 1973; It, Dimitrija Chupovski (1878-1940) and Macedonian scientific-literary comrades in Petrograd. Attachments to the study of the Macedonian-Russian relations and the development of the Macedonian national thought, and, Skopje, 1978; It, portraits and processes from Macedonian literary and national history. Attachments for Macedonian cultural development, 1, Skopje, 1989; The same (selection, editorial and remarks), Gjorgjia M. Pulevski, selected pages. Skopje 1974; The same, Krste Misirkov. New research and knowledge, Skopje, 2000; The same (Associate: Biljana Josifovska-Ristovska), Gjorgjija Pulevski, Slavic and Square General History, Skopje, 2003; Trajko Stamatovski, pages of the history of our language, “Nova Makedonija”, 3432, XI, 4.ⅻ Skopje, 1955, 5; The same, Macedonian primers in the eighties of the nineteenth century, in: Fight for Macedonian literary language, Skopje, 1986, p. 103116; The same, Macedonian language identity, Skopje, 2004. Cv.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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