Gornojuman Partisan Department “Nikola Kalapchiev” in the Pirin part of Macedonia (in 1943-ⅷ 1944) – Partisan unit formed (1941) of partisans and newly arrived fighters from Gornoduma (ok. 50), with commander Ar-with Pandura and political commissioner St. Lisil . He acted in the district of the mountains Rila and Pirin. At the end of 1943 He was divided into two parts: one part acted on the right side of the r. Struma to establish links with partisan units from the Vardar part of Macedonia. In the fight in the village. Lysia (29. ⅰ 1944) suffered severe losses. Spring (1944) committed numerous armed actions and in the middle of Av-thick (1944) entered the composition of the Rilic Pirin Squad. As a volunteer unit entered the regular army of swelling services Bulgaria. In the battle against the German forces in the village. Zggor (Delcevo) died almost all of the managerial staff. The fighters took part in the fighting for the release of Macedonia and Yugoslavia. Lit.: Stojne (Doncho) Lisyeski and Kiril Gramenov, the Vreorgan struggle in the Gernzhuvaum House of the Prez period 22 • Ne 1941 – • Lee 1942, “Military Historical Stealth”, Ijle / 3, Sofia, 1972; Georgi T. Mabbev, the Vr; Nd. Upper Jumaya (Blagoevgrad) (1902)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГОРНОЏУМАЈСКИ ПАРТИЗАНСКИ ОДРЕД НИКОЛА КАЛАПЧИЕВ во Пиринскиот дел на Македонија