Gorgievski, Ljupco (Bitola, 21. ⅹ 1956) – director. He graduated psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1980) and directed by FDA in Skopje (1990). By IG. He is a member of the National Theater in Bitola, then his director (2002-2006). Directions: “The money is extinguished”; “Runaway”; “Romeo and Juliet”; “Macedonian bloody wedding” “Lisister”; “Summer Silijne”; “Flight in place” and others. The honor guest is also on the scenes throughout the Republic and abroad: “Flight in place” (Pazardzhik, Bulgaria); “Pinocchio” (Pleven, Bulgaria); “Don Jouan returns from war” (Drama Theater, Skopje); “Vera Komarzhevskaya” (Petrograd, Russia); “Wild meat” (Pazardzik, Bulgaria). R. ST.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЃОРГИЕВСКИ, Љупчо