Gopcevic, Spiridon (Trieste, 1855 – Vienna, 1936) – Serbian shipowner, ethnographer, historian, pathopite and publicist. A volunteer was a participant in the Herzegovna Uprising (1875) and in the Montenegrin-Turkish war (1876), followed in a Serbian diplomatic service as attaché in Berlin (1886-1887) and Vienna (1887-1890). He is the author of several publicist works by contemporary Balkan history, dealt with astronomy (from 1893), wrote novels, plays, novels and songs. As a historian and publicist, a number of works in German announced, but due to the lack of proper vocational education, there is no critical method in the research and they were understood as an expression of Earthror propaganda. In the absence of other source materials, his books of time were used as a historical source and the ethnography of Macedonia. BBB.: MACEDONIAN UNUST-SERBIEN, NEY, 1889; Macedonia. Ethnographic Relations Macedonia and Stellar, Belgrade, 1889; Macedonia and Old Serbia, Belgrade, 1890; TRUE O Macedonians, Belgrade, 1890; Albania and Nied League, Novi Sad, 1893. S. Ml. Cyrillo-Methodius pupil Gorazd, fresco from the catchment monastery (1606/07)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГОПЧЕВИЌ, Спиридон