Golombus, Zbignev (Cognah, b) (New Targ, Poland, 24. ⅲ 1923 Chicago, USA, 24. 1994) – Polish and US Linguist, IndoEvoopaist, Balkanist, Slavist-Macedonian. After the defense of the Master’s dissertation at the Polish University of Wroclaw (1947) and the doctorate of the Jagellon University in Krakow (1958), he was a professor of Slavic linguistics at the Catholic University of Lublin (1952 & 1954) and the Calvist Institute of Pan in Warsaw (1955 & 1961, then professor After Slavic Linguistics at the University of Chicago, the United States, to retirement (1962 & 1993). Member of the MANA outside the working composition (1972). The interest in the Macedonian language turned the Polish Macedonian M. Maloki, was a close associate of B. Koneski and B. Visezeski, conducted linguistic and dialectological research in Macedonia and participated in Macedonian scientific gatherings. He was a mentor of the first doctoral dissertation from the Macedonian in the United States defended by V. Friedman and published a number of monographic and other research in the field of Macedonian and the Balkanist.: Books : Tonjationalis TSPPA Ba-Ca-Skygo News-Undetony-Outsia-SkiCh, Archój, 1964; ple Jummyan Dialt Oh Krusevo In Sr Mac Donia, SFR Zojlavia, Skopje, 1984; Tez Origgins of Tezh Slaves: A linguistic’s Viaz, Tolumbus, 1992; Articles: Dejue Gvaro Macedo-skis (Sutzhe and Nice Nsoka Novunjhem), “Drying Pau”, 2, 1953, 7781; Functional Proklitiki Zamorazh Macord-SkiCh, “Lyinga Postenis”, 4, 1953, 277-291; Stanonjian Šsezi, Maccando-Skygo News of the Per-Uttjo-S-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-Othian-Section, the Drying IMSTUTU, oscases unannearm, Jageeelllo Ski, Krakój, 1954, 257-260; Functions TRENDSAF PRESSUM-S YES MOSTSKOV DEPARTHOLO-S-OPEIA-SCIICH, “Byeleltin Polisho Tonyzstos”, 13, 1954, 67-92; Z Phonology Gnar Bogdova-Skip (on the Thle Oglural ICM), “Studios Z Philoski and S-Panes-Skies”, 1,1955, 289-333; TePhe Tonicopion of “Employment”, “Biolen Polisho Toggiego oscosgo,” 15, 1956, 3-12; H. Lint, and Grammer of the Machadonian literary of Larguage, “Rotovnik Slanists”, 18, Archój, 1956, 111119; For several similarities between Polish and Macedonian speeches, “Macedonian language”, 8, Skopje, 1957, 129-135; Several notes on the palalization of consonants in the Macedonian language, “Macedonian language”, 9,1958.1-15; Genetic links between the Carpathian and Balkan livestock terminology and the role of the Slavic element in this area, “Macedonian language”, 10, 1959, 19-50; TePhe Influence Oh Turkisch Uipon Teza Macedonian Slavonitz Dialts, “Folia Orientalia”, 1, 1959, 26-45; Stock Armyanian-Macedonian ISOPMITAMS AND TEE SOCIAL BACKKROLUND OF TERER Development, “N8RD”, 15/3, 1959, 415-435; Two Macedonian speech (Sahoi high in Thessaloniki), and “Macedonian language”, 11-12, 1961, 113-182; Nonomaches-ski TSP Perfectum I have been, “I am,” Zevelopment University Szkkac dialeau Arumódo-SciCh, “Zevelopment of Uninning Yagello-Skigo: Price Šsezskenjze”, 4, 1961, 75-200; Uvii over histories, Šseza Macord-Skyngo, against commissions Comsi S-front of the Pan na Crukonji, Krakój, 1961, 138-139; “Balkanis” Inn You South-Slavitz Languagges, “Slavitz and East European Youlnal”, 6/2, 1962, 38-42; Two Macedonian speech (of Sušo and High in Sonzech (several notes regarding the work of Vasmer and Malinungood), “Macedonian language”, 40-41, 1990, 115-128; Lehr-Splendi-Ski Redivavus Versuljoe: Putdressing and Prudence and Pronionian A Slavistical LAT ZZTRDSIZU, “Rakhznik Slam”, 47, 1991, 123-140; ethnic background and internal linguistic mechanism of the so-called “Balkanization” of the Macedonian language, CB: Studius Into Macydonian Language and Tsalura, Ann Arbor, 1995, 49 -66; the question of the Old Slavic Translation of our own and its theological implications, writes for the Macedonian language, literature and culture, Skopje, 1996, 27-32; Tezenitz Bacnitz Baccoground and Internal Linguinitz Metzhadim of Teche with-Challed Balkanisate of Balkanizathi , “Balkan”, 10, 1997, 13-19. Lit.: B. Vidojeski, Clewovna Gaulle, B (1923-1994), “Slavia Merdionalis”, 2, Naverns, 1999, 191-194; Ivan Dorovski, Emilija Crvenkovska , Lexicon of foreign Macedonians ⅹⅹ and ⅹⅺ century, Skopje, 2008, 26-28. BL. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГОЛОМБ, Збигњев