Gjurgiovden People’s Poems

Gjurgjovden People’s Songs -. Calendar ritual songs that are singing on Gjurgjovden or just before the holiday and are associated with those rituals. These are songs dedicated to herbs, the revival of nature, etc., who later received Christian landmarks. Some songs relate to the harvesting herbs and the ritual crushing of the goods: Come on Bilje, Bela Biljana, / Bilje to Berish, herd to be bothering … Other songs are pulling the custom swinging (rocking) on ​​the trees, which is followed by a lot of intimate Feelings in young people: From a branch, in branch, Ij Gjurje Le, / Yunko in hand … Lit.: Marko Kitevski, Macedonian People’s Lyric, Redent songs, Skopje, 1997; Kiril Penakliski, selected folklore papers, Skopje, 1988. M. Keith.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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