Gjorgov, Vasil (Veles, 20th 1910 – Skopje, 23. ⅲ 1968) – a political worker. Faculty of Philosophy graduated in Zagreb (1935). Active background worker is in the 2003 NOB. Republic and Federal People’s MP; President of the Planning Committee of NRM; Minister of Forestry and State Economy; Chairman of the Commission for Import-Export of NRM; President of the City People’s Board in Skopje (1953-1955); Member of the Executive Council of the SRM (1956-1963) and a member of the CCM CC (1953-1965). Lit.: “New Macedonia”, Skopje, 1953. N. Cv.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЃОРГОВ, Васил