Gjorgjevski, Risto Trpev (village Tearce, Tetovo, 24. ⅲ 1919 – Skopje, 16. 1996) – Psychologist, university professor. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1950). With the title Doctor of Psychological Sciences acquired at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb (1955). He was an inspector for the educator and head of the education department at the Ministry of Education of FRM (1944-1951). For a psychology assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, 1951, and for a full professor in 1969. The institutes for pedagogy and psychology taught the subjects: general psychology, children’s psychology and pedagogical psychology. The founder is at the Department (Institute) for Psychology and was her first manager. He was Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy (1969-1973), chairman of the Association of psychologists of the SFRY (1972-1976). Hold lectures at several universities in SFRY, and was a visiting professor at Chico University, California (1973-1974). BIB .: Role Quality diluting, scale Ostra and Classification Period U School Evaluation, CB. Methodological problems Apprinies Knowa and feature students, Belgrade, 1969, 25-54; Dependence Assessment of Paa Students (co-author Nada Bozozanovic), “Proceeding philosophilogical faculty in Pristina”, V, 447-452; About the schoolmand assessment Seosk and City for decech, “Proceeding philosophical faculties in Pristina”, ⅵ; Cohesion The teaching objects, “Proceeding philosophical faculties in Pristina”, V, 1968, 71-83; Ostri pupils and student from Poidinich, “Psychology”, Belgrade, 2, 1969, 288-302.Lith: “Newsletter at the University” St. Cyril and Methodius “, Skopje, 10. ⅳ 1970; Faculty of Philosophy: 1946-1996, Skopje, 1996, 91. V. Arn.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЃОРЃЕВСКИ, Ристо Трпев