Gjorgjevski, Jordan (Tetovo, 7. 1910 – Skopje, 10. IX 1989) – Agronomic. Primary school ends in Tetovo, and Agricultural Faculty in Zemun – Belgrade (1934). Works in the experimental stations in Sarajevo, Topcider – Belgrade and Skopje. Specializes (one year) in Greece for the election of the cotton. In 1948 Coming to the Agricultural and Forestry Faculty in Skopje, as a lecturer in industrial crops, where he retires as a professor. Participates in the work of several bodies and commissions. Publishes more scientific and professional papers in the field of industrial crops, especially for cotton. He is the author of the textbook in industrial cultures. P. Iv.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЃОРЃЕВСКИ, Јордан