Gjorcev, Angelko Sotirov

Gjorcev, Angelko Sotirov (village Trstenik, Svetiolosko, 19. IX 1948) – Spec. Internist-pulmoaggologist, regular prof. of honey. F., an employee of the Clinic for Pulmology and Allergology at Honey. f. In Skopje, where it is managed by the Center for Asthma. Honey. f. He finished (1972) in Skopje. Investigates in the area of ​​bronchial asthma. It announced and printed over 300 abstracts and papers in the country and abroad. He is a member of several medical associations and expert academies. He published three books. BIB.: ASTHMA Bronzhiele – Enigma and challenge, Skopje, 1991; Macedonian National Plan and Program for Diagnosis and Therapy of Bronchial Asthma – Reality or Vision, Skopje, 1996; Macedonian national consensus on diagnosis and treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Kocani, 1999. M. Paul. ACO Gjorchev

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЃОРЧЕВ, Анѓелко Сотиров

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