Gjergikovic, Djordje

Gjergikovic, Gjorgja (Gevgelija,? – Gevgelija, 1911) – Serbian officer, Ilinden revolutionary and Macedonian “autonomist”. After a short teacher in the village. Machukovo (1. ⅳ 1898) enrolled in the military academy in a white city (22. ⅶ 1898). As a Serbian lieutenant twice, he enters Macedonia, but wounded in fighting with the Turks and treated in Sofia (1903). Convinced that “Macedonian fighters really fight for the country’s autonomy and that it is the only way for its rescue from Turkish nails,” returns to Serbia, resigning the officer and becoming the owner and editor-in-chief of the renewed organ (together with Grigory Hadzitachovic ) Macedonian club in a white city c. “Autonomous Macedonia” (1905) with Moto: “The Balkans of the Balkan peoples. Macedonia of Macedonians “and with a virgin:” First freedom, after counting! “With Hadzitachovic negotiating in Sofia with the” left wing “of TMORO for participation in the Rila Congress (1905). After major reactions in Serbia, the newspaper is prohibited, and he persecuted and interned in Pozarevac. Running into Austro-Hungary, Montenegro and Bulgaria, and after the Young Turk Revolution, along with J. Sandanski is collected in Macedonia and dies of tuberculosis as a Turkish clerk in his hometown. Lit.: Dr. Blaze Ristovski, Krste P. Cirkov (1874-1926). Attachment to the study of the development of the Macedonian national thought, Skopje, 1966, 388-396 and 404-421; The same, the Macedonian people and the Macedonian nation, ⅱ, Skopje, 1983, 73-144. Bl. R. Ljupco Gjorgievski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЃЕРЃИКОВИЌ, Ѓорѓе

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