Gavzov, Jordan Ickov

Gavzov, Jordan ICkov (Prilep, 1869 – Prilep, 1899) – Duke of TMORO. He was a member of the first MK of TMORO in Prilep (1894), formed by Dame Gruev. For co-operation with the company of Prilep Duke, Dime Grandfather was arrested in the prison in Bitola (1895), but managed to escape and emigrated to Sofia. With the teacher Hristo Chemkov, from the Macedonian emigration, he formed a company and reached it in Prilep. At stay in Prilep with H. CEMOV and other two comments (1899) were surrounded by the Turkish army. After killing the Ottoman police officer who led the chase, they fought to the last bullets, after which they committed suicide. Lit.: Macedonian Rackers and Revolutionaries, Skopje, June 1950, 63; Prilep and Prilep through history, book first, from prehistory by the end of the First World War, Prilep, 1971, 250-251 and 253. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГАВАЗОВ, Јордан Ицков

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