Gavrilovic, Atanasie

Gavrilovic, Atanasie. Ⅱ (Skopje, HV¶¶¶ c. -?) – Skopje Metropolitan and Pec Patriarch (1747-1752). Origin is from Skopje. For the head of the Pec Patriarchate, he was elected after the persecution of Patriarch Joaniki ⅲ Karadza (1737-1746), of Greek origin. He renewed the relations of the Pec Patriarchate with the Karlova Metropolis. Lit.: P. Pozovy, Serbian Church from HIVES SAVA to Create Peele Patriarchate 1766 years, Belgrade, 2000. Al. TR. Predrag Gavrilovic

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГАВРИЛОВИЌ, Атанасие

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