Garevski, Aleksandar (Gostivar, 5. XI 1912 – Skopje, 10. IX 1988) – City. Ing., order. Prof. At the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje (1965 to retirement in 1979) in Hydraulics, hydrology, river hydrophanicics and waterways, one of the hydrotechnics of us. He graduated from the Faculty of Technical in Belgrade. After World War II, he was deputy minister for construction of Macedonia, after which he successfully completed a responsible task in “Hydroelectroectroject” – the realization of HS “Mavrovo”. The Technical Faculty in Skopje worked on the foundation. He wrote two textbook – “Hydrology” and “buoyancy roads and ports”. He played a pioneering role in the development of hydroechnics in our country, leading the realization of significant hydroechnical facilities. He was a pro-rector of the University (1965-67), a participant in the NOB, a delegate of the first session of ASNOM (1944). T.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГАРЕВСКИ, Александар