Garasansan, dear (Paris, 1921 – Belgrade, 1997) – archaeologist. It ended studies in classical philology (1946) in Belgrade, PhD (1953) in Ljubljana (for the Neolithic Neolithic culture in Serbia). The working life has passed in the National Museum in Belgrade as Custos, Head of the Prehistory Department and a scientific associate. Together with her husband, Milutin, Koracode, several research projects of the National Museum in Stip: Curily Dolving (1956/57), Tarznik (1968), Recognition in Eastern Macedonia and Serbia. Participant is also in the excavations of the gunnow in Anzabegovo. He published 253 papers. BIB.: Starchework culture, Lyubljanna, 1954; The problem of the dating of “Macedonian Bronze” with a special emphasis on the findings of the Radiation, “Macus. Acta Arzhaeol. “, 2, 1976. V. S. Milutin Grasin
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГАРАШАНИН, Драга