Gaidik-Slavko, Robert

Gaidik-Slavko, Robert (Zlin, Czechoslovakia, 1923 – Lipjan, Kosovo – 14. ⅰ 1942) – Communist Dian and fighter (of Czech origin). After the occupation of Czechoslovakia (1938) he settled in his parents in Skopje, finished the Middle Testech school (construction department) and became a member of the SCOY (1939). Following the order of the MK of the CPY for Skopje, he was employed in the mine Radusa as the main magazine (the first half of 1941). With a group of young people, a red flag of the Division building in Skopje (1 ⅴ 1941) and participated in the ignition of the German aircraft at the Skopje airport. I was illegally supplied by the Skopje organization of the CPY with explosives and became a fighter of the Skopje NOO (20. ⅷ 1941). After the arrest of Gestapo (November 1941), he managed to escape and employed in Pristina. Soon he became a fighter of the NOOP “Zeyeln Aldine” (from the beginning, by the end of 1942). Due to illness, it was illegalized, but was arrested at the burial in the village. Dry Dol (Kosovo), taken to Lipjan and Public Shot. Lit.: Ratka Milovanovic, Robert died with the freedom, “November 13,” no. 1, Skopje, 1962, 16; Robert Gaidik’s stay in Kumanovo in 1941, “Kumanovo and Kumanovo in New 19411942”, Kumanovo, 1979, 602-604; Cross health, not to be forgotten. Monuments and memorial features in Skopje, Skopje, 1982; Robert Gayidic, “enlightened woman,” Skopje, July-August 1985, 3. S. Ml. Stefan Gaidov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГАЈДИК-СЛАВКО, Роберт

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