
Furrow – Skopje – Agriana settlement 5 km north of Skopje, on the final southwest slopes of Skopska Crna Gora. In its Atar, various archaeological sites were registered, including the center of Gradiste, the dominant hill with the flattened plateau on the southern periphery of the village. Furrow. The site is known as an Preferring established settlement, with the most intense living overnight ⅳ c. BC, and as a monumental walled tomb of the same period. Similar findings from older times have been discovered on the site (bronze jewelry and iron and ceramic and bronze time). On the very plateau of the grade was discovered ceramic findings from the Iron Age, and on one of the lower terraces there were several bronze objects, pendants and various forms of jewelery characteristic for ⅶ c. BC These findings point to life and activities (possible burials) on the grade still during the full-altogether time. In the northern foot of the site, numerous findings of ceramics from the bronze time were discovered. Lit.: I. Mikricic, Skopje with the surrounding fortresses, Skopje, 1982; I. Mikulcic – V. Sokolovska, Tomb Grass in Skopje, “MACEDONIAE ACTA Arzhaeologica”, 11, Skopje, 1990. Dr. M.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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