Fouere, Erwan.

Fouere, Erwan (Ernjan Fouere) (RES, R. France, 5. ⅵ 1946) – Irish and European diplomat. Lawyer (1967); The first head of the EC delegation for Mexico and Cuba (1989-1994); First head of the EC delegation in South Africa (1994-1998); Head of the EC delegation in the period when R Slovenia becomes a member of the EU (2002-2005); Within the promotion of EU policies and interests in troubled EU Special Representative in the Republic of Macedonia from 17. ⅹ 2005, with a mandate to work on consolidating the peace (political) process and implementation of the Framework Agreement in the function of the integration of the Republic of Macedonia in the EU. In his mandate, the Republic of Macedonia receives the status candidate for admission to EU membership (17. ⅹⅰⅰ 2005). Exhibition: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 2007. T. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ФУЕРЕ, Ерван

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