Florinski, Timophy Dmitrievich

Florinski, Timophy Dmitrievich (S.-Petersburg, Russia, 28. X / 9. ⅺ 1854 – Kiev, Ukraine, 1919) – Russian historian and Slavist, Slavophile, UNIV. Professor, Academician, Mentor of K. Misirkov. After the end of the Historical Pilology Faculty of S.-Petersburg University (1876), taught to senior women’s courses (1880-1881), and defended the Mast. DIS. “Southern Slavs and Byzantium in the second quarter of ⅹⅳ c.” (1881). Since next year it becomes a professor and later Dean of Scalol. Faculty of the Kiev University (1882-1919). Defended the doc. dissert. “The monuments of the legislative activity of Dushan, the Emperor of Serbs and Greeks” (1888). He was chairman of the Kiev Ceven Committee, vice president of the Kieved Slavic Society and an editor of “Slavyanskik Egyptí”. Politically engaged Slavophophile, an opponent of the Ukrainian and Macedonian cult.-NAC. And political affirmation, although in some of their papers, it shows tolerance towards language, special nationality and the aspirations of “Macedonian Slavs”, referring to P. Draganov and K. Misirkov. “Finally, he writes, some ethnography in the Macedonian Slavs see a special independent diversity in the Slovenine that stands separately from Serbs and Bulgarians … as in determining the territory that inhabits Macedonian Slavs, as well when clarifying the characteristics of their language, as The main criterion for resolving the issue of their nationality, it is necessary scientific research and ethnographic materials to be used with great caution, with careful critical check … The versatile and objective study of the ethnography of Macedonia is not only desirable, but also Necessary. The best this could be done by equipping a scientific expedition from prominent Slavic philologists and ethnographers in this for the scientific world such a modern country. ” Per oct. a revolt. Life ended in uncertain circumstances. Is-pointed in Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Mount Athos, occupied (as well as Misirkov) with the history and culture of Yuzhnolov. Ⅹⅳ c. It is therefore president of the State Examination Commission in the defense of the diploma exam of K. P. Misirkov “on the question of the people’s people and the reasons for the popularity of the Macedonian king Marko” (SPB., 1902) and the mentor of his Masters. (Unfinished) Dissertation “Kings Volkashin and Marco as historic figures and heroes of the South Slav Epos” (Kiev, 1906-1908). BIB.: Kí Napaski The People’s Nationalities Macedonia Slavyaní, Cleans Historical Ostiche Nestra L

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ФЛОРИНСКИ, Тимофеј Дмитриевич

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