Firfov, Milan

Firfov, Milan (Skopje, 25. ⅲ 1943) – Peshev (Bariton) and pianist. Graduated piano (A. Prego, 1969) and solo singing (N. Cvalic, 1970) at the Music Academy in Belgrade, where he acquires the title of Master in Solo-singing (Z. Zikkova, 1974). The artistic career begins as a co-leaf in the opera of the MNT, and since 1969. He teaches on FMU in Skopje (full professor). He arrived more solo recitals and performances accompanied by an orchestra. Deals with musical criticism. B. ORT. Danka Firfova.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ФИРФОВ, Милан

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