Final processing of wood – Activity based on the physical changes of the tree through the final production technologies. The final processing of the tree is mainly mechanical processes, then hydrothermal processes and in very small extent physical and chemical processes in the wood industry. Due to the dominance of mechanical processes, the final wood processing is usually called final mechanical processing of the tree. In the final wood processing, diverse raw materials, semi-products and other semi-final products for the production of final products, intended for equipping various spaces for living, work and resting of man. Final mechanical processing of the tree processes the following problems in the finalization of wood: Tolerances and welcomes, processing accuracy, making details (from self-lumber, plates, vulnerating and grinding), compiling elements in the submission and compiled (compilation of Elements in frames, in plate elements, gluing with high frequency electricity, compiling metal connections), finishing, final installation (pre-installation, mounting line, calculation of elements for designing mounting line, storage in mounting department and work processes in editing ). B. Il.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet