Filoxera Vozova Watch (. PHSLOXHA VISSTARIJA PLANCH.) – Plant leisby transmitted by America. It multiplies in a very specific way. Small probal females of this species are placed on vine leaves and an union way (parthenogenetic) create a number of individuals; They are collected on the leaves of the leaves and make protrusions (ankles). Later developing-vine lice AT wings females, which fly into other vineyards, where the break from the leaf lay two types of eggs; Sensile females are developed, and from the smaller – males; After pairing the female takes a egg under the bark of the vine, which receptions; Then adult units die. The pro-flight from the fertilized egg develops a shadowy female that repeats the cycle. Lit.: Jonce Sapkarev, Zoology of invertebrate animals, Skopje, 1991. V. T. K. – M. Cr.
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