Filipovski, Anthony

Filipovski, Anthony (Done) Bozhinov (Kumanovo, 1920 – Probistip, 3. ⅳ 1944) – Communist Dean and Nob organizer in Kumanovo. He was educated in the railway craftsmanship in Nis, but was excluded because of communist manifestations. After returning, he became a member of the SCOY (1938) and the MK of SCOY in Kumanovo, finished Pi-Antonio Filipovski Lot Course in Skopje (1939) and as a graduate was one of the organizers of the strike in the Kumanovo High School (1941). He was one of the organizers of the core of 10 Kumanovo partisans in the second southern Southern NOO (26. ⅵ 1943). When the partisan core increased to 18 fighters, the Kumanovo NOOP (2. ⅷ 1943) was formed. First was a fighter, then a political commissioner of the Deputy, deputy commander of the first Kumanovski but the battalion “Jordan Nikolov-Orce” and the commander of the Kumanovo but a striking battalion “Hristijan Todorovski-Karpos”. As a commander of the second battalion of the third Macedonian Nawb was difficult wounded and captured in the attack of Probistip (3. ⅳ 1944), and then after a beast torture he was killed. Ⅱ Kumanovo and Kumanovo in New 1941-1945, documents, Kumanovo, 1988. Lit.: Dane Cekov, Kumanovo Borough in New (from 16. 1943 to 26. ⅱ 1944), Kumanovo, 1969; Memorial Collection of the dead fighters of new and victims of the fascist terror from Kumanovo and Kumanovo 1941-1945, Kumanovo, 1876, 91; Dane Cekov, Kumanovo in New 1941-1945, Kumanovo, 1989. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ФИЛИПОВСКИ, Антоние

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