Ferns in the Republic of Macedonia – Austrophic Niche plants, in the flora of the Republic of Macedonia, represented by 42 species covered in 15 families. The most popular genes are aspenium (with 11 species) and Consture (6). Fern in the Republic of Macedonia (aspenium) Fern in the Republic of Macedonia (Consticts) with limited dissemination is characterized by species: Oblund Regalysis, Thaeliptis Palustris, PHSLLITIS SCOLOPHRIUM, OPHIOGIUM Vulgatum, Adiantum Tsafillusveneris, Belchronum Spirant, Motherptogram CRaspa, as well as endemic type aspenium macdomonium. These include two types of water ferns -Marsilea Ludradapholia and Salvinia Nathans. VL. M.
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