“Feni Industries” – Kavadarci – Metallurgical Combine for the production of ferronickel, composed of a smelter near Kavadarci and the Nickel mine “Rzanovo” at 40 km distance. It was projected in the 1970s, it was also operated since 1980. Originally as “Feni” – Kavadarci, with two interruptions in operation. With privatization (2001) production has been stabilized and continuously growing, especially after 2005, when it is taken over by current BSG owners from Israel and Alferon from the UK. The ore from the open mine in the mine is carried in the smelter with a transport belt (Long 36.5 km), where they are homogenized, the crushes, are grinded and ambigated (S “more used and imported ore, richer with nickel). It is still peletized, and the pellets are dried and grieved in a rotary furnace. Reduction and melting takes place in a steam. The resulting raw ferrodickel is separated from the Krnka and refines with the production of oxygen, after which it is launched in a granulate. The finished product contains 21 to 23% nickel, and the rest is iron with small quantities of cobalt and below 0.2% impurities. Because of the high quality, the product is valued and the consignment compartment “Feni”, Kavadarci changes in many steelworks around the world. With continuous investment S “more increases the amount of ferronickel, reduces the specific consumption of electricity, but environmental protection is reduced. Only over a period of two years (2004-2006) production increased by twice. The company is the bearer of the overall development in Kavadarci and the surrounding area. St. H. J.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ФЕНИ ИНДУСТРИ