Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality – Ohrid. It is established by a special law (1977) as a faculty of tourism and hospitality, and later transformed into a faculty of tourism and organizational sciences. His predecessor is the Higher Tourist School in Ohrid, founded in 1970. The Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality – Ohrid organizes undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the field of tourism, hospitality, organizational science, customs and shipping and research in Veles. This faculty is organized and defending doctoral dissertations. In order to perform the scientific research activity, within its activity, a Center for Scientific Research work (2002) was established, which is a follower of the former Institute for Research of Tourism (1985). The Center exists as a separate organizational unit during the institution, and deals with: research activity, publishing activity, organizing domestic and international scientific gatherings, developing project cooperation, etc. During its existence, the Faculty has developed rich cooperation with universities from various countries: Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, France, Germany USA, Croatia, Poland, etc. AM: Internet and documentation at the Faculty of Tourism and Organizational Sciences, Ohrid. M. S.
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