European Court of Human Rights and RM

European Court of Human Rights and RM – International Judicial Institution established with the European Convention on Fundamental Freedoms and Human Rights (3. XI 1950 – 3. IX 1953). The Republic of Macedonia signed it at 9. XI 1995, ratified it 10. 1997 And on the same date comes into force. The court is competent for all issues of its interpretation and application. The acceptance of the compulsory competence of the court is an assumption for membership of the Republic of Macedonia in the Council of Europe. 80% of the total number of cases in the Republic of Macedonia processed before the Court violates Article 6 (1) of the Convention – violation of the right to a fair trial (trial within a reasonable time). An out .: Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 2006. Tatjana Petrushevska, reform of the supervisory system of the European Convention on Human Rights, “Dialog”, no. 14/1997. T. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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