The educational structure of the population – the number and percentage of the population over 15 years of age (earlier above 10) with school or professional preparation, at the level of the whole country (determined by censuses). The educational structure of the population can be monitored according to other statistical parameters: gender, unemployment, active population, nationality, etc. The educational structure is an important indicator of social development, but also the needs of future development. Free Macedonia inherited a very unfavorable educational structure of the population, with a very high percentage of illiteracy. The image of the educational structure of the population in Macedonia, shown in two separate periods, gives the following characteristics: NO, the primary, secondary and high-educational structure of co-education. Data on the population in Macedonia Educational scope is an important indicator of characteristic of characteristic. Roth, functioning and efficiency1948 over the age of 10 years 1961 Wedding People’s Song in the performance of the Ensemble for People’s Order and Songs “Tanec”, Skopje Nosta education system. Regarding the educational covering 48.8% without school preparation 28.1% gullion in the magical effect, after the independence of M40.5% with and-ⅳ grade PRO, 46.9%. It is usually associated with Cedonia, it is most developed 8.3% with V-ⅷ departments of 18.4% Some holidays from the national and chilist education and the education calendar (Christmas Christmas Eve, Board. In 2004 in Preschools 2.2% Education 5.5% ZIK, Vasilitsa, Easter, Djurgjov Institutions were covered by 0.2% with higher education 1.1% day, Ivanden, etc.), with rituals for 36,177 children, or 20.43% of 100% total 100% Prevention of elemental not lem percent occurs in the category of secondary education, as many as 54.2%. Lit.: K. Cambera, from primer to university, Skopje, 1994. K. Camb. Rite folk songs
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet